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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Labeling a Post "Boring" Probably Isn't the Best Way to Get You to Read It

I thought all the extra time would allow me to do some good blogging, but it turns out when you’re bored out of your mind, it’s hard to think of anything to blog about. So I figured I could at least blog about the monotony to give me a break. But now I’m out of things to say about it other than state the fact that monotony is monotonous.

Maybe I’ll go talk to Ahijah. I hear he used to work at a pub for awhile. He probably knows some fun songs and dances from his days there. Maybe we could have some fun and liven up this place.


  1. I got a bad feeling about that... maybe you shouldn't do it ;)

  2. Bad feeling about what? Dying of boredom?
