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Monday, April 24, 2017

Boring Boredom is Boring

We shoved off from Bountiful about a week ago and we’re all. so. bored. and. testy. It’s a little closer quarters than I think we’re used to especially with all the kids running around now. There’s nothing much to do each day except prepare food, clean up food, and sit around.

My bet is on Laman being the first one to snap, but Jael thinks it’ll be one of her brothers first. I think it’d be awesome if it was Sam. He’s always so easy-going, if he finally just flipped out, it’d be hilarious, and not what anyone would expect.

Thinking about Sam having a break down is the most lively thought I’ve had this whole week. Well, that was fun. Now back to regularly scheduled reality of now. So. Boring.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, the things that entertain you when you are stuck out at sea....
